Sunday, August 30, 2009


boring sunday, like the prev. week. erkh well, this makes me think, why my sunday always bored? and i still don't know fufufu. actually i should study for the biology test (tomorrow) but i feel lameeeeeeeeeeee -,- actually i really need my rest. and online is one of the best way to refresh myself. sorry for some people cause these days i'm not in my own mood to messaging. even you've been already know, messaging is one of my hobby, sooooo sorry about that. and i still don't know when my mood will back.

i felt a little bit pity with my victims these days. have i tell you? actually my evil side has grown today because some of my classmates are so damn. don't judge me about that, you'll hate them if you know. well, if they tried to make the class crowded (with their own way, and i hate that) so i'll give them my cynical sight. yep, i know, if i don't do anything, some people said that my face is cruel. so if i gave them my cynical sight, you can imagine how cruel my face. actually i felt like an antagonist player in a drama. but, once again, don't judge me about that because they just spoiled my mood.

oke, gue capek ngomong bahasa inggris. sebenernya gue jarang banget curhat kaya gini di blog, hhhh kemaren gue seharian online di iPhone. soalnya iPhone is totally awesome (Y) love that much. what a pity, my father doesn't want to give it to meeee fufufu what a bad news. hem padahal rencananya semalem abis taraweh gue mau online tapi ternyata gak bisa yow bzt soalnya dipake bokap gue ampe pagi ckck. abis gitu tadi gue baru selesai ngedownload who has the biggest brain di iPhone jadi ntar gue dapet trofi karena bisa maen di hp. woohooo (Y) feels like superb deh kalo lagi gini *gaklah becanda*

hem gue agak amaze ama diri gue sendiri, soalnya sekarang gue rajin banget ngerjain pr. okelah mungkin gak semua pr gue kerjain di rumah, tapi tiap hari di rumah pasti ada waktu gue ngerjain pr, even it's just 15 minutes cause i don't understand the homework so i'll do it at school and ask my chairmate or my classmate. fyuh seenggaknya gue masih punya kekuatan buat tetap berdiri di sekolah itu. gue juga amaze ama diri gue sendiri karena gue masih ngerti beberapa soal yang ada di ulangan-ulangan gue. tapi sayangnya hasilnya belom ada yang keluar. padahal gue penasaran banget ama hasilnya (which i know, really know, my score isn't good and maybe i'll have some remedial) tapi gue sedikit senang karenaa, helloooooooo i still alive until today. yah emang sih dengan badan yang remuk redam karena super capek.

well, this times i felt like a superb cause i still survive at my new school, with a new social life. huah sometimes i really miss my 216 :3

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