yang pertama :

baca dulu ah penjelasannya :
"This appreciation is aimed for whoever still having lucky certain love relations, have millions memories and billions stories behind it. Possibly also had something's overturned of the date figure? Let us know what your unforgotten periods have!"
notes awardnya:
These award are under license of Cindy Perdana Computeria & Fediani Putri Andarini so you must certify that you have the right to distribute & you do not violate the rules. Contact person: Cindy (candle)/Fediani (hana).
nah ini rulesnya:
1. Everyone who get this award are obliged to write their recent love story & these rules in their new post.
ehm, kalo soal lovestory kayanya udah sering gue bahas di posting. hehehe
2. Everyone who get this award are obliged to tag 7 of your friends who have an unique love story to be shared then they must do what you do as well.
taza, tami, rifa, bimo, rizky, diani, ama anes

1.sebutkan penyanyi top favorite mu?
maroon 5
2.apa arti emo menurut elo?
emo ituu.. yang belagu sok metal yang jatohnya kayak alay bukan? hehehe maaf kalo salah, ngga begitu ngerti begituan (actually i don't care if my opinion is wrong)
ehm.. setuju aja sih. kan seru tuh kalo orang bule ntar rebutan joget kalo denger lagu dangdut
4.koleksi album yg kamu miliki ada berapa?
nggak ngitung, tapi lumayan banyaklah
5.mengapa musik metal selalu teriak2?
ehm, gatau ya. mungkin mood nya lagi pada jelek jadi tereak-tereak mulu haha
6.sebarkan ke 7 orang!
sama aja kaya yang diatas. okeee?
dan award yang terakhir, still from the same person :
rules are rules:
1. Put the award logo on your blog
udah tuh
2. Add the link of the person who gave this award
sip sip gampang
3. Nominate another seven
sama kaya yang diatas
4. Leave message to the nominees
tolong diambil yaaa. makasih ;)
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